Focussing on evidence-based research and applied design investigations, my research studies the complex interrelationships between natural ecosystems and human health & well-being in order to find solutions or alternatives within the planning and design of green structures and green spaces which support sustainable futures.
My current research analyses on the eco-spatial characteristics of peri-urban green spaces and their effects on environmental quality and human health, in particular the expanded ecosystem services provided by green infrastructure. I developed a unique methodology to analyse and attach human well-being value (psychological, socio-cultural and physical benefits) to the spatial and ecological qualities of those green spaces, such as their size, shape, edge, transparency, greenness, facilities, safety, etc. in order that these considerations are better understood and regarded in the design and decision making process.
The socio-ecological approach found within landscapes of affordances encourages
researchers and designers to think about complex landscape-individual processes in
relational terms. In doing so, my continued research will add not only to environment behaviour studies but spatial planning and design as well – creating physically, psychologically and socially meaningful descriptions of the environments in which we live and interact.
Design and Teaching
My pedagogical passion is grounded in ecological-based urbanism which is
interdisciplinary and uses diverse frameworks for understanding built and natural
morphologies, both functional and spatial-based.
The landscape is a socio-ecological, hybrid environment and is the organising factor
within design. A deep understanding of ecology (human and natural) and systems processes within mediation and morphological intervention is required.
As a result of understanding “landscape" both as a physical reality and as a
representation of that reality, my methods emphasise the role of different representational
techniques as productive tools for data analysis and inquiry into issues of design agency,
interpretation and identity. I am interested in the representation of the material, cultural,
and transient qualities of place as they reveal spatial potentials and inform future
projective capacities.
Landscape Ecology and the Conception of Socio-Ecological Systems
Green Infrastructure Planning and Methodologies
Performance Landscapes - Ecosystem Services
Environmental Psychology, Cultural Geography, Urban Ecology